Celtic Motion Irish Dance Ensemble is an Indianapolis-based not-for-profit organization of adults dedicated to the enjoyment, perfection, and performance of traditional Irish step dancing with a progressive flair. Members are involved primarily for the enjoyment and love of the dance with the goal of improving their technique to create a unified performing group able to share the enjoyment of Irish step with the community.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

FREE Intro to Irish Dance Classes

Are you interested in dabbling in Irish dance to see what it is all about?  Here is your chance.  Celtic Motion will be offering ** FREE ** 45-minute dance classes for the month of September. Take as many sessions as you like -  one, two, three or all four!  These sessions will be geared to those that have never danced Irish Step Dance but have always thought it would be fun to give it a try.  There is no need to purchase any special shoes for these classes.  Wear comfortable exercise clothing and shoes and bring a water bottle and sweat towel.
Classes will be held from 6:00p-6:45p at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (3535 Kessler Blvd, near the southeast corner of 38th and Kessler Blvd) in the basement Fellowship Hall.  Park on the south side of the church and go in the door facing the parking lot (it should be propped open).  Contact celticmotion@yahoo.com if you have any questions.